Thursday, April 4, 2013

First Post about Casey Treu's Dance

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And now Casey Treu has returned from his mission and plans to start dancing again. He is now currently starting to dance with two other individuals. Nanette Scheetz for the Latin category & Kayci Kirkham for standard category. Only time will tell what is to come of these new partnerships. The best is yet to come. :)

This last picture of Casey shows all that he had accomplished in the dance world up to this point in his life in the Year of 2011 before he left on his mission. 

Casey at a young age would create Show-Dances as good as top professional dancers. Enjoy!

Casey Treu then left on his mission leaving his dancing behind, but planning on returning to dance once his mission was completed. 

One of the very last show dances they created together was filmed professionally as a gift to Casey & Rachel as their partnership came to a final close. The dance was to represent how hard their journey had been together and how they fought as a team as best as they could. 

The following pictures and videos represent Casey & Rachel Popes partnership coming to a close, as Casey prepared to serve his mission in the Africa Ghana Accra mission. Enjoy the following videos and pictures. 

One of the rehearsals from behind the stage is what this next video shows. 

To end on a high note as a partnership, Casey & Rachel were then invited to perform as soloists in on a tour to China. They traveled with and performed in several prestigious venues through out China representing the U.S. 

Enjoy the next few pictures and videos of Casey & Rachel at U.S. National DanceSport Championships held in Provo Utah.

This was sadly Casey & Rachel's last competition together before Casey left on his two year mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day saints. But they did there best and fought hard for that last competition.

The support they have received when competing and performing in Utah has given them a slight advantage. But the judges mark the way they see it, which is beneficial to make things clear on what result they deserved for their efforts. Even though they get to perform in front of friends and family.

They competed in multiple categories, the under 21 Latin championships as well as the Amateur Latin Championships. In both events they did quite well, even though they didn't reach there goals. 

Casey & Rachel were as serious as they could be about competition, and especially for competitions such as the U.S. National NDCA Championships held at the BYU Marriot Center in Provo Utah.

Casey also from time to time would get together with his family to perform. In this case, Casey was invited to dance with his younger sister name Carli Treu. They performed at one of her High School events and enjoyed it very much. 

High school competitions found within Utah were always some of Casey & Rachel's favorite competitions to compete attend.

Casey & Rachel would practice frequently on BYU campus to prepare for competitions shows and such etc. 

Here is a video of Casey & Rachel at Embassy Ball in the Under 21 Latin championship final. They enjoyed this competition very much. 

Casey & Rachel always tried to make the most out of their dancing and have always tried to share their beliefs with others. 

Casey & Rachel also competed at the California Open Competition their first and second year together. 

Casey & Rachel stayed partners for two years and would compete in multiple locations through out the U.S. especially Utah and higher end competitions such as Ohio Star Ball and Embassy Ball etc. 

Casey then attended BYU as a student and continued his dancing. He was able to get together with a friend Jessie Erickson to put together a fun show dance routine in Tango for a very large Elementary Ballroom Team match.

Casey then had another partner change and began to dance with Rachel Pope. With whom he maintained/regained the U.S. National Youth Latin champion title. Casey and Rachel performed in many places thorough out the U.S. specifically Utah and California on most occasions. 

Casey then had a partner change and danced with Jenna Johnson. Casey & Jenna were able to achieve their first official title together becoming the U.S. National Youth Latin Champions, along with becoming the U.S. National 10 Dance Champions.  

Casey Treu started taking dance seriously once he left the junior devision. His partners name was Jessie Dayton.  

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